How to Make Your Android phone Like iPhone 14promax : 6 Easy Methods

On the off chance that you have an Android yet favor the look and feel of an iPhone, fortune has smiled on you. The adaptability of Android telephones makes it simple to recreate the iOS experience without purchasing an entirely different telephone. In this article, we’ll talk you through a couple of ways of getting it done, from redoing your home screen, making Android or Samsung Messages seem to be iMessage, and utilizing a launcher to finding iOS-style applications.

1 Introduce an iOS-style launcher.

Launchers let you redo look and feel of your home screen. On the off chance that you need your Android telephone to seem to be an iPhone, a launcher is an extraordinary spot to begin. Download a launcher application from the Google Play Store that offers an iOS-style interface.[1] A few famous choices include:
Nova Launcher, which permits you to not just set the vibe of your symbols, application cabinet, and lock screen, yet in addition allows you to determine the motions and alternate ways you use to make your telephone run more like an iPhone.
Peak Launcher, which incorporates choices to modify your symbols for an additional iOS-style look.
Go Launcher EX, which makes it simple to introduce different iOS-style subjects for your Android telephone.

2 Download a skin, subject, or symbol pack.

Use symbol packs or subjects along with your launcher. Whenever you’ve introduced a custom launcher, you can download subjects and symbol packs to additionally tweak the vibe of your Android phone.[2] Search the Google Play Store for iOS symbol packs or topics in your favored style.
You might in fact download subjects and symbols that are intended to emulate a particular iPhone working framework, like iOS 13, 14, or 15.
Adhere to the directions in your launcher application to apply the symbols, subject, or skin to your telephone.
The majority of these symbol packs won’t accompany the launcher that is incorporated into your telephone. You’ll require an outsider launcher application, like Summit Launcher or Nova Launcher.

3 Get a few iOS-style applications.

Utilizing the right applications makes a more legitimate iPhone experience. Custom symbols can make your telephone seem to be an iPhone on a superficial level, however the actual applications will in any case closely resemble Android applications. Fortunately, there are heaps of outsider choices out there that mirror the Apple renditions. For instance, consider downloading:
AirMessage, an application that permits you to utilize iMessage on an Android gadget. You can likewise attempt other component rich informing applications like Textra or Google Visit.
Music players that copy the Apple Music application, as iMusic or Music Player-Apple Music MP3. You can likewise introduce the authority Apple Music application on Android gadgets running Android 5 or later.[3]
Utility applications like iCalendar and iCalculator that impersonate the appearance of the iOS forms.

4 Apply another lock screen.

Attempt an iOS-style lock screen and warning application. These applications can make your Android seem to be an iPhone in any event, when you’re not effectively utilizing it. Introduce an application, for example, Lock Screen and Notice iOS 15, iLock, or iNoty and Lockscreen. These applications not just copy the vibe of an iOS lock screen, yet will likewise impact the manner in which your notices hope to coordinate.
A portion of these applications will likewise permit you to set iOS-style passwords for additional security.
You might have to change a portion of your telephone’s settings for the custom lock screen to accurately work. For example, you should give the application consent to get to your camera so you can take photographs straightforwardly from the lock screen.


5 Update your Fast Settings with a Control Community application.

These applications introduce a custom swipe-down settings menu. On the off chance that your gadget runs on Android 12 or later, you ought to as of now have a swipe-down Speedy Settings menu where you can undoubtedly get to essential information, record, and gadget settings.[4] Notwithstanding, in the event that you believe your Fast Settings menu should seem to be the iOS Control Center, you can do that with an outsider application. Have a go at downloading an application like Control Community iOS or iCenter iOS15.


6 Attempt an iOS emulator.

An emulator will let you run iOS-only apps from your Android. If you want to get the full iOS experience on your Android device, an emulator is a good option. These apps allow you to run software that wouldn’t normally be compatible with your device. Since most emulators are not available through the Google Play store, you’ll need to get one from a third-party app store or website.[5]

  • Keep in mind that emulators require a lot of RAM to run, so you’ll probably need a phone that has at least 1-2 GB available.
  • Some popular iOS emulators include iEMU, CIDER, and Appetize.




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